* Œuvres de Sarah Kane
- Pièces : Kane, Sarah. Complete Plays : Blasted, Phaedra's Love, Cleansed, Crave, 4.48 Psychosis, Skin. With an introduction by David Greig. London : Methuen, 2001.
- Scénario : Skin, 1995 (visible sur Utube).
- Entretiens : Plusieurs publiés dans Saunders ou dans le numéro spécial d’OutreScène, ajouter également :
Dan Rebellato. Interview with Sarah Kane: 3 November 1998. Department of Drama and Theatre: Royal Holloway University of London, 2009. En ligne :
* Ouvrages ou numéros de revue consacrés à Sarah Kane
- Ouvrages :
Iball, Helen. Sarah Kane's Blasted. London: Continuum (theatre guides), 2008.
Saunders, Graham. Love me or Kill Me. Sarah Kane and the Theatre of Extremes. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2002. / Love me or Kill me. Sarah Kane et le Théâtre. Trad. Georges Bas. Paris : L'Arche, 2004.
- Revues :
Coup de théâtre 18 (Juillet 2002), In-yer-Face: Sarah Kane et la nouvelle dramaturgie britannique, dir. Susan Blattès et Jean-Pierre Simard.
OutreScène 1 (Février 2003), Sarah Kane. Revue du Théâtre National de Strasbourg. Éd. Anne-Françoise Benhamou.
* Chapitres d’ouvrages (sélection)
Angel-Perez, Elisabeth. “Sarah Kane ou le poème du deuil de soi”. Voyages au bout du possible. Les théâtres du traumatisme de Samuel Beckett à Sarah Kane. Paris : Klincksieck, 2006.
Aston, Elaine. Feminist Views on the English Stage: Women Playwrights, 1990-2000. Cambridge: CUP, 2003.
Bond, Edward. “Le Signe de Kane”. Le Théâtre anglais contemporain. Paris : Klincksieck, 2007. 187-201.
Buse, Peter. Drama + Theory. Critical Approaches to Modern British Drama. Manchester and New York: MUP, 2001.
Dromgoole, Dominic. The Full Room: An A-Z of Contemporary Playwriting. London: Methuen, 2000.
Emig, Rainer. "Blasting Jane: Jane Eyre as an Intertext of Sarah Kane's Blasted." A Breath of Fresh Eyre: Intertextual and Intermedial Reworkings of Jane Eyre, eds. Margarete Rubik and Elke Mettinger-Schartmann. Amsterdam: Rodopi; 2007. 391-404.
Houlahan, Mark. "Postmodern Tragedy ? : Returning to John Ford." Tragedy in Transition, eds. Sarah Annes Brown and Catherine Silverstone, eds.. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2007. 249-259.
Sierz, Aleks. In-Yer-Face Theatre. London: Faber, 2001.
Sierz, Aleks. "Sarah Kane." British and Irish Dramatists since World War II, ed. John Bull. Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale, 2005. 105-14.
Waters, Steve. "Sarah Kane: From Terror to Trauma." A Companion to Modern British and Irish Drama, 1880-2005, ed. Mary Luckhurst. Malden, MA: Blackwell; 2006. 371-82.
Wandor, Michelene. Post-war British Drama: Looking Back in Gender. London: Routledge, 2001.
* Articles de périodiques (sélection)
Berns, Ute. "History and Violence in British Epic Theatre: From Bond and Churchill to Kane and Ravenhill." New Beginnings in Twentieth-Century Theatre and Drama: Essays in Honour of Armin Geraths. Eds. Christiane Schlote and Peter Zenzinger. Contemporary Drama in English 10 (2003) : 49-72.
Bond, Edward. « Sarah Kane et le théâtre », in LEXI/textes 3, L'Arche, Paris, 1999.
Choi, Young-Joo. "Performing Un-Represented Images in Lavonne Muller's (Mueller's) Hotel Splendid, Sarah Kane's Blasted, and Caryl Churchill's Far Away." Journal of Modern British and American Drama 19:2 (2006): 101-28.
Cohn, Ruby. "Sarah Kane: an architect of drama." Le Théâtre Britannique au Tournant du Millénaire. Ed. Geneviève Chevallier. Cycnos 18.1 (Nice: 2001): 39-49.
Jolly, Genevieve. "Le Théâtre de Sarah Kane: Poétique de la violence." Revue d'Etudes Théâtrales 9-10 (2004/5): 53-62.
Lesage, Marie-Christine. "De Sénèque à Kane: Monstres et cruauté symbolique." Revue d'Etudes Théâtrales 9-10 (2004/5): 41-51.
Saunders, Graham."'Just a Word on a Page and There Is the Drama.' Sarah Kane's Theatrical Legacy." Contemporary Theatre Review 13:1 (2003): 97-110.
Saunders, Graham. "The Apocalyptic Theatre of Sarah Kane." British Drama of the 1990s. Eds. Bernhard Reitz and Mark Berninger. Anglistik & Englischunterricht 64 (2002): 123-135.
Saunders, Graham. "'Out Vile Jelly': Sarah Kane's Blasted and Shakespeare's King Lear." New Theatre Quarterly 20 (2004): 69-78.
Schnierer, Peter Paul. "The Theatre of War: English Drama and the Bosnian Conflict." Drama and Reality. Ed. Bernhard Reitz. Contemporary Drama in English 3 (1996) : 101-110.
Sellar, Tom. "Truth and Dare: Sarah Kane's Blasted." Theater (New Haven, CT.) 27.1 (1996) : 29-34.
Sierz, Aleks. "Cool Britannia? 'In-yer-face' writing in the British theatre today." New Theatre Quarterly 56 (November 1998): 324-333.
Sierz, Aleks. "Sarah Kane checklist." New Theatre Quarterly 67 (August 2001): 285-290.
Sierz, Aleks. "'The element that most outrages': Morality, Censorship and Sarah Kane's Blasted" European Studies 17 (2001): 225-239.
Solga, Kim. "Blasted's Hysteria: Rape, Realism, and the Thresholds of the Visible." Modern Drama 50:3 (2007): 346-74.
Torti-Alcayaga, Agathe. "L'oeuvre de Sarah Kane: le théâtre de la défaite." Le Théâtre britannique au Tournant du Millénaire. Ed. Geneviève Chevallier. Cycnos 18.1 (2001): 51-62.
Twomey, Jay. « Blasted Hope: Theology and Violence in Sarah Kane ». The Journal of religion and Theatre 6.2. (Fall 2007) : 110-123.
Urban, Kenneth."An Ethics of Catastrophe: The Theatre of Sarah Kane." PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 69 (September 2002): 36-46.
Urban, Kenneth. "Towards a Theory of Cruel Britannia: Coolness, Cruelty, and the Nineties." New Theatre Quarterly 20.4 (2004): 354-72.
Wixson, Christopher. "'In Better Places': Space, Identity, and Alienation in Sarah Kane's Blasted." Comparative Drama 39:1 (2005): 75-91.
Zimmermann, Heiner. "Theatrical Transgression in Totalitarian and Democratic Societies: Shakespeare as a Trojan Horse and the Scandal of Sarah Kane." Crossing Borders: Intercultural Drama and Theatre at the Turn of the Millennium. Eds. Bernhard Reitz and Alyce von Rothkirch. Contemporary Drama in English 8 (2001) : 173-182.