
Colloque Poésie russe et poésie américaine : croisements et circulations
: 02/06/2021
: 05/06/2021
American and Russian poetries

Links and Circulations

 2nd-5th June 2021

Université de Toulouse


 Online (zoom)

Lien/ Link : https://univ-tlse2.zoom.us/j/95790695205?pwd=dCtHY2JHQ3M2VTNaZU9IdWJxdjJtdz09

(mot de passe 738551)

 Contacts: Claire Gheerardyn (claire.gheerardyn@gmail.com) et Delphine Rumeau (delphine.rumeau@gmail.com)

  Wednesday June 2nd PM

14:45 Opening

15:00 Clare Cavanagh (Northwestern University): “"I Belong in Moscow, Cracow, Warsaw": Whitman, Mayakovsky, Miłosz”

15:45 Anna Shvets (Moscow State University): “‘The Poetry Without a Single Epithet, Metaphor, or a Desire to be Reflected in a Symbolic Mirror’: A Whitmanesque Echo in Igor’ Terent’ev’s Poetry”

break 15’

16:45 Tatiana Venediktova (Moscow State University): “Radicals of Imagination: Revolutionary Aesthetics in Blok and Stevens”

17:30 Rebecca Beasley (University of Oxford): “From Petrograd to Little Rock: The role of Russian literature in the poetry of John Cournos, John Gould Fletcher, and Edward O’Brien”

18:15-18:30 Reading

June 3rd (late AM and PM)

11:15 Olena Berezovska Picciocchi (Université de Corte) : “Quadrilatère transatlantique : Essenine, Maïakovski, O’Hara, Jim Harrison ”


14:20 Presentation

14:30 Daria Sinichkina (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : “Sergey Esenin (1895-1925) and Nikolay Klyuev (1884-1937) translated, published and read in America or how to translate the ‘national’ and the ‘popular’”

15:15 Arnaud Bikard (INALCO): “Caught between giants: the role of foreign models in the evolution of Yiddish immigrant poetry in America”

break 15’

16:15 Dara Barnat (Tel Aviv University): “Representations of Russia in Allen Ginsberg’s Jewish American Poetry”

17:00 Claire Gheerardyn (Université de Toulouse): “"My Goya Speaks to Yours": Voznesensky's and Ferlinghetti’s Public Readings”

17:45 Reading

18:00 end of 2nd session

Friday June 4th (late AM and PM)

 11:15 Tatiana Victoroff (Université de Strasbourg): “Traduire la poésie : la polémique entre Joseph Brodsky et Yves Bonnefoy”

 Afternoon: Contemporary poetry

 14:20 Presentation

14:30 Alexandra Kraeva: “Gjertrud Schnackenberg: The Space of Russian Poetry in ‘A Monument in Utopia’”

15:15 Carole Birkan-Berz (Université Paris – Sorbonne Nouvelle): “Form and Migration in the work of some contemporary Russian-American poets” (Eugene Ostashevsky, Ilya Kaminsky, Philip Nikolayev, Genya Turovskaya, Jake Marmer).

break 15’

16:15 Eugene Ostashevsky (New York University) : “Translingual Poetry and the Russian Formalist Concept of Poetic Language”

17:00 Vladimir Feshchenko (Institute of Linguistics, RAS, Moscow - Trier University, Germany): “Language Poetry/ The Poetry of Language: Between American and Russian Traditions”

17:45-18:00 Reading

Saturday June 5th PM

 14:20 Presentation

14:30 Kirill Korchagin (Russian Academy of Sciences): “Language School as Assemblage Point: Russian Underground Poetry and Its American Contemporaries”

15:15 Milena Arsich (Université de Strasbourg) : “In correspondence: Arkady Dragomoshchenko and Lyn Hejinian's poetic friendship”

break 15’

16:15 Stephanie Sandler (Harvard University): “Russian Poetry by Other Means: Eugene Ostashevsky’s ‘Feeling Sonnets’”

17:15-18:00 Reading



: Delphine Rumeau