
Colloque international “Danser Shakespeare”
: 09/11/2023
: 10/11/2023
: https://celis.uca.fr/actualites/colloque-international-«-danser-shakespeare-»
Sorbonne Université, Campus des Cordeliers

15, rue de l'École de médecine, 75005 PARIS

Amphithéâtre BILSKY-PASQUIER, Salle des thèses, Salle Marie Curie


DAY 1 – NOV. 09

9am Conference opening (Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau ; Gaëlle Loisel)

Amphithéâtre Bilsky-Pasquier

9.30-11 2 panels, salle des thèses, salle Marie Curie

Panel 1 – Early Modern dance: context, history and performance (Chair : Nancy Isenberg)

Emily Winerock (Point Park University) : “From Chamber and Churchyard to Stage and Page: Translocation, Adaptation, and Shakespeare’s Staged Dances”

Raghav Verma (University of Tübingen): “Shakespearean Dance and Performance Politics in Early Modern England”

Ann Hinchliffe (Independent Scholar): “How would Shakespeare's own company have danced in the plays?”

Panel 2 – “Ladies that have their toes”: Romeo and Juliet Panel 1 (Chair : Eva Chou)

Leigh Witchel (Independent Scholar): “Whose “Romeo” Is It Anyway?”

Mattia Mantellato (University of Udine): “Petr Zuska’s Romeo and Juliet. Reworking love through Queen Mab and Friar Lawrence’s dance battles and desires”

11.30-1pm Roundtable

Amphithéâtre Bilsky-Pasquier


2.30-4 Keynote : Mark Franko (Temple University)

“The Cultural Significance of Dance in Early Modern Europe” (Amphithéâtre Bilsky-Pasquier)


4.30-6 2 panels, salle des thèses, salle Marie Curie

Panel 3 – “Never had so sweet a changeling”: Dancing A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Chair : Mattia Mantellato)

Azadeh Mehrpouyan (Velayat University, Iranshahr): “Contemporary Choreographic Transposition of A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Atmosphere, Settings, Characters, Action, and Ballet Music And Dance”

James Hewison (Edge Hill University): “A Good ‘Night’s’ Out: participatory dancing in A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Sara Jamina Gardt (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz): “Dancing through Shakespeare’s plays: The Significance of Dance in The Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Panel 4 – “Give room! and foot it, girls!”: Dancing Romeo and Juliet (Chair : Julie Vatain-Corfdir)

Henri Garric (Université de Bourgogne): ‘La danse paume contre paume du bal des Capulet’

Max Riviera (University College London): “‘O, sweet my mother, cast me not away’ – Lady Capulet on the ballet stage”


DAY 2 – NOV. 10

9.30-11 2 panels, salle des thèses, salle Marie Curie

Panel 5 – “As a stranger give it welcome”: The function of dance in Shakespeare adaptions (Chair : Tom Allen)

Indrė Višinskaitė & Jadvyga Krūminienė (Vilnius University): “Deconstructive Function of Dance in Grigori Kozintsev’s Cinematic Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Ioana Petcu (Researcher at Al. I Cuza University of Iași, George Enescu National University of Arts, Iasi): “Un élisabéthain parmi les Est-Européens. Les transpositions du texte shakespearien dans les chorégraphies théâtrales sous le signe de la spécificité culturelle”

Amy Rodgers (Mount Holyoke College): “Danced Shakespeare and Revenant History: Alternatives to Understanding the Past”

Panel 6 – “A girdle round about the earth”: Dancing Transnational Shakespeares (Chair : Gaëlle Loisel)

Eva Chou (Baruch College, City University of New York): "A Romeo and Juliet for Hong Kong"

Patricia Beaman (Wesleyan University): “Tradition, Deviation, and Interculturalism in Yoshihiro Kurita’s Hamlet

Julia Bührle (Independent Scholar): “Venice with a touch of Verona: John Neumeier’s Othello


11.30-1pm Keynote : Pascale Drouet (Université de Poitiers)

“’‘No, to the death, we will not move a foot’: To dance or not to dance with Shakespeare and Branagh”

Amphithéâtre Bilsky-Pasquier


2.30-4: 2 panels, salle des thèses, salle Marie Curie

Panel 7 – “How will this fadge?”: Feminism and the Queering of Shakespeare with dance (Chair : Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau)

Nancy Isenberg (University of Roma Tre): “Enter Lucy: How a bold, Black, female role challenges exclusion on the Shakespeare stage and racism in the US”

Carlos Pons Guerra (University of Leeds, Independent choreographer): “Queer—Processing Shakespeare: Exploring the Potential of Queer Methodologies for Adaptation of Shakespeare into Dance”

Panel 8 – Corporeal words and literary bodies 

David Maziashvili (Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University): “Shakespeare’s Words as Music and Movement”

Sissi Baba (Sorbonne Université): “Danser Shakespeare : Le passage d’une adaptation dansée à un vrai ballet”


4.30-6 : salle des thèses

Panel 9 – “Terrible dreams / that shake us nightly”: Dancing Macbeth (Chair : Aloysia Rousseau)

Julian Yates (University of Delaware): “Hover”

Andrew Hiscock (Bangor University): ‘you perform your antique round’: Critical Policing and taking the Measures of Macbeth

Ilana Gilovich-Wave (Columbia University): ‘Imperfect Speakers’: Speechless Shakespeare in Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More
: Gaëlle Loisel