AILC: Colloque de Brême (6-8 août 2008)
Call for Papers
Proposal for a Comparative Literature Conference to be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the ICLA Executive at Jacobs University Bremen (August 6-8, 2008)
An embedded panel at this conference is being planned to explore the interest in and feasibility of a new ICLA research committee. The topic and focus of the
panel follow.
"Ethics, Religion, and Comparative Literature"
How do literary works -
- or critical methodologies -
- explore, or bear witness to, the relation of ethics to religion? Especially since 9/11,religion has often been associated with a violent assertion of the desire for certainty in an incertain world. But what of the relation of religion to ethics, to what Levinas insists is my inescapable responsibility for a unique and irreplaceable other? We seek papers that explore the relation of ethics and/or religion to the broad field of
comparative literature, including intercultural comparative literature.
Proposal of not more than 250 words should be sent to Prof. Dorothy Figueira (figueira@uga.edu) by
January 31, 2008
. Travel expenses, accommodations, and meals will be the responsibility of individual participants.