
Carson McCullers, Le Cœur est un chasseur solitaire : bibliographie


Édition au programme : Le Cœur est un chasseur solitaire, traduction de Frédérique Nathan, suivi de Écrivains, écriture et autres propos, Paris, Stock, "La Cosmopolite", 2017.

Sources primaires de la présentation indiquées par * dans la bibliographie, tout comme les articles les plus utiles.


Sources primaires

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter (1940)

Reflections in a Golden Eye (1941)

The Member of the Wedding (1946)

Clock Without Hands (1961)


* The Ballad of the Sad Café (1943)

Nouvelles/Récits brefs

* "Sucker" (écrite vers 1934, 1963), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Court in the West Indies" (écrite vers 1934, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Poldi" (écrite entre 1934 et 1936, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Breath from the Sky" (écrite entre 1934 et 1935, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

* "The Orphanage" (écrite entre 1935 et 1936, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Instant of the Hour After" (écrite entre 1935 et 1936, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

* "Like That" (écrite entre 1935 et 1936, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

* "Wunderkind" (1936), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955); The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"The Aliens" (écrite entre 1935 et 1936, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Untitled Piece" (écrite entre 1935 et 1936, 1971), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"The Jockey" (1941), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955)

"Madame Zilensky and the King of Finland" (1941), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955)

"Correspondence" (1942), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

* "A Tree. A Rock. A Cloud" (1942), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955)

"Art and Mr. Mahoney" (1949), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"The Sojourner" (1950), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955)

* "A Domestic Dilemma" (1951), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955)

* "The Haunted Boy" (1955), The Ballad of the Sad Café (1955); The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Who Has Seen the Wind?" (1956), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)


(Les dates indiquées entre parenthèses renvoient à la première publication)

"The Mortgaged Heart" (1952), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"When We Are Lost" (1952), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"The Dual Angel" (1952), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Stone is Not Stone" (1957), The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

"Saraband", The Mortgaged Heart (1971)


The Member of the Wedding (1951)

The Square Root of Wonderful (1958)


Illuminations and Night Glare: The Unfinished Autobiography of Carson McCullers, Carlos L. Dews (ed.), Madison, Wisconsin: The U of Wisconsin P: 1999.


The Ballad of the Sad Café (1952, 1955)

Sweet as a Pickle and Clean as a Pig (poèmes pour enfants, 1964)

The Mortgaged Heart (nouvelles, essais, et poèmes, 1971)

Collected Stories of Carson McCullers (1987)

Carson McCullers: Complete Novels (2001)

Carson McCullers: Stories, Plays & Other Writings (2017)


(Ces textes sont inclus dans l’édition au programme)

Sur la guerre

"Look Homeward, Americans" ["Américains, regardez votre pays!"], 1940, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"Night Watch Over Freedom" ["Nuit de veille sur la liberté"], 1941, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"Brooklyn is My Neighborhood" ["Brooklyn, mon quartier"], 1941, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"We Carried Our Banners – We Were Pacifists, Too" ["Nous brandissions nos pancartes – ‘Nous aussi nous étions pacifistes’"], 1941, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"Love’s not time’s fool (by a war wife)" ["L’amour n’est pas le jouet du temps"], 1943, Carson McCullers: Stories, Plays & Other Writings (2017).

"Our Head Are Bowed" ["Nous nous inclinons…"], 1945, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

Sur Noël

"Home for Christmas" ["Noël en famille"], 1949, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"The Discovery of Christmas" ["La découverte de Noël"], 1953, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"A Hospital Christmas Eve" ["Une veille de Noël à l’hôpital"], 1967, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

Sur l’écriture et le Sud

* "How I Began to Write" ["Comment j’ai commencé à écrire"], 1948, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

* "The Russian Realists and Southern Literature" ["Les réalistes russes et la littérature sudiste"], 1941, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

* "Books I Remember" ["Les livres dont je me souviens"], 1941, Carson McCullers: Stories, Plays & Other Writings (2017).

* "Loneliness...An American Malady" ["La solitude…une maladie américaine"], 1949, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"The Vision Shared" ["La vision partagée"], 1950, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"Isak Dinesen: Winter’s Tales" (recension) ["Isak Dinesen: Contes d’hiver"], 1943, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"Playwright Tells of Pangs" ["Les pincements de cœur d’un dramaturge"], 1957, Carson McCullers: Stories, Plays & Other Writings (2017).

"Isak Dinesen: In Praise of Radiance" ["Isak Dinesen: éloge du rayonnement"], 1963, The Mortgaged Heart (1971).

"The dark brilliance of Edward Albee" ["Le sombre flamboiement d’Edward Albee"], 1963, Carson McCullers: Stories, Plays & Other Writings (2017).

* "The Flowering Dream: Notes on Writing" ["Un rêve qui s’épanouit: notes sur l’écriture"], 1959, The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

* "Author’s Outline of ‘The Mute’ (The Heart is a Lonely Hunter)" ["Esquisse pour ‘Le Muet’"], 1966, The Mortgaged Heart (1971)

* "The Great Eaters of Georgia" ["Les gros mangeurs de Géorgie"], 2005, Carson McCullers: Stories, Plays & Other Writings (2017).


Sources secondaires
Ouvrages en français

Brodin, Pierre, Présences contemporaines : Ecrivains américains d’aujourd’hui, Paris, Les Nouvelles Editions Debresse, 1964.

Dommergues, Pierre, L’Aliénation dans le roman américain contemporain, 2 vols., Paris, 10/18, 1976, 1977.

---, Les USA à la recherche de leur identité : Rencontres avec 40 écrivains américains, Paris, Grasset, 1967.

Guilbert, Georges-Claude, Carson McCullers : Amours décalées, Paris, Belin, "Voix américaines", 1999.

Savigneau, Josyane, Carson McCullers: Un Coeur de jeune fille, Paris, Stock, 1995. [Disponible en Livre de Poche]

Tournier, Jacques, Carson McCullers : Qui êtes vous ? Lyon, La Manufacture, 1986.

Ouvrages en anglais

Bloom, Harold et William Golding (dirs.), Carson McCullers: Modern Critical View, New York, Chelsea House, 1986.

Bombaci, Nancy, Freaks in Late Modernist American Culture: Nathanael West, Djuna Barnes, Tod Browning, and Carson McCullers, New York, Peter Lang, 2006.

Brinkmeyer, Robert H, The Fourth Ghost: White Southern Writers and European Fascism, 1930-1950, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State UP, 2009.

Carr, Virginia Spencer, The Lonely Hunter: A Biography of Carson McCullers, New York, Carrol and Graf, 1985.

---, Understanding Carson McCullers, Columbia, South Carolina, U of South Carolina P, 1990.

Evans, Oliver, Carson McCullers: Her Life and Work, London; Peter Owen, 1965.

Fahy, Thomas, Freak Shows and the Modern American Imagination: Constructing the Damaged Body from Willa Cather to Truman Capote, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Gleeson-White, Sarah, Strange Bodies: Gender and Identity in the Novels of Carson McCullers, Tuscaloosa, U of Alabama Press, 2003.

Gossett, Louise Y., "Dispossessed Love: Carson McCullers", Violence in Recent Fiction, Durham, Duke UP, 1965, 159-77.

Graham-Bertolini, Alison et Casey Kayser (dirs.), Carson McCullers in the Twenty-First Century, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2018.

* Hassan, Ihab, Radical Innocence: The Contemporary American Novel, Princeton, Princeton UP, 1973.

Hoffman, Frederick John, The Art of Southern Fiction: A Study of Some Modern Novelists, Carbondale, Southern Illinois UP, 1967.

Lyon Clark, Beverly et Melvin J. Friedman (dirs.), Critical Essays on Carson McCullers, New York, G. K. Hall & Co., 1996.

Malin, Irving, New American Gothic, Carbondale, Southern Illinois UP, 1962.

McDowell, Margaret B., Carson McCullers, Boston, Twayne, 1980.

Rich, Nancy B., The Flowering Dream: The Historical Saga of Carson McCullers, Chapel Hill, U North Carolina P, 1999.

Savigneau, Josyane, Carson McCullers: A Life, trad., Joan E. Howard, New York, Houghton Mifflin, 2001.

Westling, Louise, Sacred Groves and Ravaged Gardens: The Fiction of Eudora Welty, Carson McCullers, and Flannery O’Connor, Athens, U of Georgia P, 1985.

Whitt, Jan (dir.), Reflections in a Critical Eye: Essays on Carson McCullers, New York: UP of America, 2008.

Articles, préfaces et introductions

Adams, Rachel, "A Mixture of Delicious and Freak: The Queer Fiction of Carson McCullers", American Literature 71.3, 1999, 551-83.

* Baranowski, Anne-Marie, "Les visages de la marginalité chez Carson McCullers", Particularités physiques et marginalité dans la littérature, Arlette Bouloumié (dir.), Angers, Presses de l’université d’Angers, 2005, 205-17.

Bauerly, Donna, "Themes of Eros and Agape in the Major Fiction of Carson McCullers", Pembroke Magazine 20, 1988, 72-76.

Box, Patricia S., "Androgyny and the Musical Vision: A Study of Two Novels by Carson McCullers", Southern Quarterly 17.1, 1978, 117-23.

* Bradshaw, Charles, "Language and Responsibility: The Failure of Discourse in Carson McCullers’s The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter", Southern Quarterly 37.2, 1999, 118-26.

Buchen, Irving H., "Carson McCullers: A Case in Convergence", Bucknell Review 21, 1973, 15-28.

* ---, "Divine Collision: The Art of Carson McCullers", Dalhousie Review 54, 1974, 529-41.

Budick, Emily Miller, "The Mother Tongue: Carson McCullers", Engendering Romance: Women Writers and the Hawthorne Tradition, 1850-1900, New Haven, Yale UP, 1994, 143-61.

Capote, Truman, Too Brief a Treat: The Letters of Truman Capote, 2004, Gerald Clarke (ed.), New York, Vintage, 2005.

Carlton, Ann, "Beyond Gothic and Grotesque: A Feminist View of Three Female Characters of Carson McCullers", Pembroke Magazine 20, 1988, 54-62.

Carpenter, Frederic I., "The Adolescent in American Fiction", The English Journal 46.6, 1957, 313-19.

* Chamlee, Kenneth, "Cafés and Community in Three Carson McCullers Novels", Studies in American Fiction 18, 1990, 233-40.

Champion, Laurie, "Black and White Christs in Carson McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Southern Literary Journal 24, 1991, 47-52.

Chollier, Christine, "Essai d’interprétation des rythmes sémantiques dans The Heart is a Lonely Hunter de Carson McCullers", Imaginaires 11, "Le Rythme dans les littératures de langue anglaise », Reims, 2005, 255-68.

---, "Le Rêve de Singer", Des Genres aux textes : Essais de sémantique interprétative en littérature de langue anglaise, Françoise Canon-Roger et Christine Chollier, Arras, Artois Presses Université, 2008, 45-63.

* ---, "Lire/lier sens global et sens local dans une œuvre littéraire : The Heart is a Lonely Hunter de Carson McCullers", Des Mots à la pensée : Onze variations sur l’interprétation, D. Thomières (dir.), Reims, EPURE, 2016, 113-31.

* Colomb-Buffa, Chantal, "Le désir et la loi dans l’œuvre romanesque de Carson McCullers", Annales du Monde Anglophone 4, octobre 1996, 65-74.

Dodd, Wayne D., "The Development of Theme Through Symbol in the Novels of Carson McCullers", Georgia Review 17, 1963, 206-13.

Durham, Frank, "God and No God in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter", South Atlantic Quarterly 56, 1957, 494-99.

Eisinger, Chester E., "Carson McCullers and the Failure of Dialogue", Fiction of the Forties, Chicago, U of Chicago P, 1963, 243-58.

Evans, Oliver, "The Achievement of Carson McCullers", English Journal 51, mai 1962, 301-8.

---, "The Case of Carson McCullers", Georgia Review 18, 1964, 40-45.

---, "The Case of the Silent Singer: A Revaluation of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Georgia Review 19, 1965, 188-203.

* ---, "The Theme of Spiritual Isolation in Carson McCullers", South: Modern Southern Literature in Its Cultural Setting, Louis D. Rubin Jr. et Robert D. Jacobs (eds.), Westport, Connecticut: Glenwood, 1961, 333-48.

Farrelly, Barbara A., "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: A Literary Symphony", Pembroke Magazine 20, 1988, 16-23.

Folk, Barbara Naver, "The Sad Sweet Music of Carson McCullers", Georgia Review 16, 1962, 202-09.

Fuller, Janie, "The Conventions of Counterpoint and Fugue in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Mississippi Quarterly 41.1, 1987/1988, 55-66.

Girón Echevarria, Luis Gustavo, "Dialect Variation in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and The Member of the Wedding", Atlantis 13.1/2, 1991, 103-09.

Gleeson-White, Sarah, "Revisiting the Southern Grotesque: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Case of Carson McCullers", Southern Literary Journal 33.2, 2001, 108-23.

* González Groba, Constante, "A Haven in the Age of Anxiety: The Café as Setting and Symbol in the Fiction of Carson McCullers", Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 8.1-2, juin-novembre 1986, 85-100.

* ---, "Filling the Blank Page: A Comparison of Carson McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter and Jerzy Kosinski’s Being There", Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos 6, 1998, 9-23.

* ---, "Growing Up Female in the Deep South: The Initiation of Mick Kelly in Carson McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter." BELLS 5, 1994, 87-96.

* ---, "The Intersections of Gender and Race in the Fiction of Carson McCullers", Southern Ethnicities, Youli Theodosiadou (dir.), Tessaloniki, Kornelia Sfakianaki, 2008, 47-59.

* ---, "‘So far as I and My People Are Concerned the South is Fascist Now and Always Has Been’: Carson McCullers and the Racial Problem", Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies 37.2, 2015, 63-80.

* Hassan, Ihab, "The Idea of Adolescence in American Fiction", American Quarterly 10, 1958, 312-24.

* Jaworski, Philippe, "La double quête de l’identité et de la réalité chez Carson McCullers", Nouvelle Revue Francaise 17, juillet 1969, 93-101.

Kestler, Frances, "Gothic Influence of the Grotesque Characters of The Lonely Hunter", Pembroke Magazine 20, 1988, 30-36.

Korenman, Joan S., "Carson McCullers’ Proletarian Novel", Studies in the Humanities 5, 1976, 8-13.

* Lemardeley-Cunci, Marie-Christine, "Préface", Carson McCullers: Romans et nouvelles, Paris, Le Livre de poche, "La Pochotèque", 1994, 7-26.

MacDonald, Edgar E., "The Symbolic Unity of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", A Festschrift for Professor Marguerite Roberts, on the Occasion of her Retirement from Westhampton College, University of Richmond, Virginia, Frieda Elaine Penninger (ed.), Richmond, U of Richmond, 1976, 168-87.

Madden, David, "The Paradox of the Need for Privacy and the Need for Understanding in Carson McCullers’ The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter", Literature and Psychology 17, 2-3, 1967, 28-40.

McPherson, Hugo, "Carson McCullers: Lonely Huntress", Tamarack Review 11, 1959, 28-40.

* Millichap, Joseph R., "The Realistic Structure of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Twentieth Century Literature 17.1, 1971, 11-17.

Moore, Jack B., "Carson McCullers: The Heart is a Timeless Hunter", Twentieth Century Literature, 11.2, 1965, 76-81. [sur le parcours initiatique de Mick, comparé à des personnages de Poe et Hawthorne]

* Murray, Jennifer, "Approaching Community in Carson McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Southern Quarterly 42.4, 2002, 107-14.

* Oates, Joyce Carol, "Introduction to the Mariner Edition", Carson McCullers, The Mortgaged Heart: Selected Writings, Margarita G. Smith (ed.), Boston, Houghton Mifflin/Mariner Books, 2005, xiii-xviii.

* ---, "‘You are the We of Me’: Carson McCullers", 1999, Uncensored: Views and (Re)Views, New York, Ecco, 2005, 272-81.

Paden, Frances Freeman, "Autistic Gestures in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Modern Fiction Studies 28.3, 1982, 453-63.

Presley, Delma E., "Carson McCullers and the South", The Georgia Review 28, 1974, 19-32. Rpt. in Critical Essays on Carson McCullers, Beverly Lyon Clark et Melvin Friedman (eds.), New York, Hall, 1996.

Rich, Nancy B., "‘The Ironic Parable of Fascism’ in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", The Southern Literary Journal 9.2, 1977, 108-23.

Rivière, Yvette, "L’aliénation dans les romans de Carson McCullers", Recherches ANglaises et AMéricaines [RANAM], 4, 1971, 79-86.

---, "L’Idée de mariage chez Carson McCullers", Mariages à la mode anglo-saxonne. Idéal et réalité du mariage dans le monde anglo-saxon : Passé et présent. Roger Lejosne et Dominique Sipière (dirs.), Amiens, UFR Clerc Université Picardie, 1995, 208-22. [approche biographique]

---, "L’ambigüité subversive chez Carson McCullers", Revue Imaginaires, 8, "L’Ambigüité dans les littératures de langue anglaise", Reims, Presses Universitaires de Reims, 2002, 196-205. [sur l’ambiguïté sexuelle notamment]

---, "Les héroïnes de Carson McCullers à la conquête de l’espace : The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The Member of the Wedding et The Ballad of the Sad Café", L’Espace du Sud au féminin, Gérald Préher et Brigitte Zaugg (dirs.), Metz, Centre Écritures / Université Paul Verlaine – Metz, Collection "Littératures des mondes contemporains", Série "Amériques" n°7, 2011, 83-92. [sur l’espace du corps en particulier]

Roberts, Mary, "Imperfect Androgyny and Imperfect Love in the Works of Carson McCullers", University of Hartford Studies in Literature 12.2, 1980, 73-98.

* Rubin, Louis D. "Carson McCullers: The Aesthetic of Pain", Virginia Quarterly Review 53.2, 1977, 265-83. [sur l’évolution de McCullers et son essouflement artistique]

Sherrill, Rowland A., "McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: The Missing Ego and the Problem of the Norm", Kentucky Review 2.1, 1968, 5-17.

Slabey, Robert M. "Carson McCullers’ Allegory of Love", Xavier Review 13.2, 1993, 47-59.

Smith, C. Michael, "“A Voice in a Fugue”: Characters and Musical Structure in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Modern Fiction Studies 25, 1979, 258-63.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty, "A Feminist Reading: McCullers’s Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Critical Essays on Carson McCullers, Beverly Lyon Clark et Melvin Friedman (eds.), New York, Hall, 1996.

Steeby, Elizabeth A., "Radical Intimacy Under Jim Crow Fascism: The Queer Visions of Angelo Herndon and Carson McCullers", Mississippi Quarterly 67.1, 2014, 127-49.

Taetzsch, L., "Crossing Trajectories in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", New Orleans Review 19.54, 1992, 192-99.

* Taylor, Horace, "The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter: A Southern Wasteland", Studies in American Literature, Waldo McNeir et Leo B. Levy (eds.), Baton Rouge, Louisiana State UP, 1960, 154-60, 172-73. [sur le narcissisme des personnages et l’image de Singer véhiculée au sein de la communauté]

* Westling, Louise, "Carson McCullers’ Tomboys", Southern Humanities Review 14.4, 1980, 339-50. [sur l’évolution des personnages de Mick et Frankie qui finissent par se conformer aux standards]

---, "Carson McCullers’ Amazon Nightmare", Modern Fiction Studies 28.3, 1982, 465-73.

Whitt, Jan, "The Loneliest Hunter", Southern Literary Journal 24.2, 1992, 26-35.

---, "The We of Me: Carson McCullers as Lesbian Novelist", Journal of Homosexuality 37.1, 1999, 127-39.

Whitt, Mary A. "The Mutes in McCullers’ The Heart is a Lonely Hunter", Pembroke Magazine 20, 1988, 24-29.

Williams, Joan, "Joan Williams: Struggling Writer", entretien avec Patrick H. Samway, America, 31 décembre 1988, 544-45, 549.

* Williams, Tennessee, "Afterword", 1950, Carson McCullers, Reflections in a Golden Eye, 1941, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 2000, 129-36.

* Wright, Richard, "Inner Landscapes" (recension de The Heart is a Lonely Hunter), New Republic, 104, 1940, 195.

Autres œuvres de fiction américaine

Anderson, Sherwood, Winesburg, Ohio, 1919, New York, Norton, 1996. [notamment l’introduction sur le grotesque]

O’Connor, Flannery, Wise Blood, 1952, New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967. [pour établir un parallèle avec les figures religieuses ou les prédicateurs]

Percy, Walker, The Moviegoer, New York, Knopf, 1961.

Williams, Joan, The Morning and the Evening, New York, Atheneum, 1961. [lien avec le cinema et la figure de l’idiot]

Pour citer cet article

Gérald Préher, "McCullers, Le Cœur est un chasseur solitaire : bibliographie", SFLGC, Agrégation, publié le 20 Juin 2019, URL :, page consultée le 22 Octobre 2024.